
What job would you hate to do?

Listen to six people talking about jobs they would not want to have.

Nivel 4.

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Akane, Canada
What is one job that you would hate to do? Well, I suppose one job that I would really hate to do is to be a homemaker, and I know that this is a very important job, and a very respectful one but I don't think it's for me. I really get irritated when I stay at home for long periods of time, and I know that many homemakers do go out, but..., and I really do like making my own money and that's something that's really important to me.

Barbara, Australia
One job that I would really hate to do would be, to be a salesperson. Having to convince people to buy something, probably which they don't need, and they can't afford. I would really hate to do that. If my income depended on selling, I think I would probably starve.

Naomi, Australia
One job that I wouldn't like to do is a office job, completely in the office, all the time, 9 til 5 , five-days-week office job. I think I would get really bored after a short amount of time, and I would probably need a bit more excitement in my life out of my job.

Simon, Canada
Yeah, hi, what job couldn't I do? I think that to sit in an office cubicle and do data entry on a computer would be something that I hate the most because the lights are usually fluorescent. You're crunching numbers all day, everyday with no creativity, no energy, yeah.

Mark, United States
Ah, one job I would hate to do is I would hate to be a garbageman, a garbage collector. I just, ah, it's gross, it stinks. I don't wish that job upon anybody basically so, that would be my last choice for occupation.

Ruth, England
One job I would hate? Oh, yeah, that has to be a vet. I would absolutely detest that job, because primarily I would get really emotionally involved with all of the animals and then if any of the animals died I would cry and cry and, yeah, I would hate having to see people upset because their cat was ill. No, I associate that as being a really awful job, and I have real respect for people who do it.


I suppose - Supongo

homemaker = housewife - ama de casa

they can't afford - no pueden permitirse

depend on - depende de
Más información > verb + preposition

starve - pasar hambre

crunching numbers - the process of performing repeated calculations to find a value.

garbageman, a garbage collector - basurero

gross = disgusting - grosero, repugnante.

stink - apestar 


¿Cuando usamos "Would"? Usamos "Would" para formar el tiempo condicional en inglés. En español, equivale a los verbos que acaban en "ría". Por ejemplo:
I would like to go. - Me gustaría ir.
I would eat it all. - Yo lo comería todo.

Second conditional  
  • if any of the animals died, I would cry and cry (An example of the second conditional)
Second Conditional - Re refiere a una situación hipotética.

What is one job that you would hate to do? Well, I suppose one job that I would really hate to do is to be a homemaker, and I know that this is a very important job, and a very respectful one but I don't think it's for me. I really get irritated when I stay at home for long periods of time, and I know that many homemakers do go out, but..., and I really do like making my own money and that's something that's really important to me.
¿Qué es un trabajo que odias hacer? Bueno, supongo que un trabajo que realmente odio es ser ama de casa, y sé que este es un trabajo muy importante, y muy respetuoso, pero no creo que sea para mí. Me irrito cuando me quedo en casa durante largos períodos de tiempo, y sé que muchas amas de casa salen de la casa, pero..., y realmente me gusta ganarme mi propio dinero y eso es algo que es muy importante para mí.
One job that I would really hate to do would be, to be a salesperson. Having to convince people to buy something, probably which they don't need, and they can't afford. I would really hate to do that. If my income depended on selling, I think I would probably starve.
Un trabajo que realmente odiaría  hacer sería un vendedor. Al tener que convencer a la gente a comprar algo, probablemente lo que no les necesita, y no pueden permitirse. Yo realmente odiaría hacer eso. Si mis ingresos dependiera de la venta, creo que probablemente pasaría hambre.
One job that I wouldn't like to do is a office job, completely in the office, all the time, 9 til 5 , five-days-week office job. I think I would get really bored after a short amount of time, and I would probably need a bit more excitement in my life out of my job.
Un trabajo que no me gustaría hacer es un trabajo de oficina, totalmente en la oficina, todo el tiempo, de 9 a 5, cinco días de la semana. Creo que me pondría muy aburrido después de un corto período de tiempo, y que probablemente necesite un poco más estimulación con mi trabajo.
Yeah, hi, what job couldn't I do? I think that to sit in an office cubicle and do data entry on a computer would be something that I hate the most because the lights are usually fluorescent. You're crunching numbers all day, everyday with no creativity, no energy, yeah.
Sí, hola, ¿qué que no podría hacer? Yo creo que sentarme en un cubículo de oficina y hacer la entrada de datos a un ordenador eso sería algo que odiaría   porque las luces suelen ser fluorescente. Estás haciendo números todo el día, todos los días, sin creatividad, sin energía, sí.
Ah, one job I would hate to do is I would hate to be a garbageman, a garbage collector. I just, ah, it's gross, it stinks. I don't wish that job upon anybody basically So, that would be my last choice for occupation.
Ah, un trabajo que odiaría hacer es ser un basurero. Es asqueroso, apesta. No quiero este trabajo a nadie, de verdad. Así que, esa sería mi última elección como  profesión.
One job I would hate? Oh, yeah, that has to be a vet. I would absolutely detest that job, because primarily I would get really emotionally involved with all of the animals and then if any of the animals died, I would cry and cry and, yeah, I would hate having to see people upset because their cat was ill. No..., I associate that as being a really awful job, and I have real respect for people who do it.
Un trabajo que odiaría? Oh, sí, eso tiene que ser un veterinario. Sin duda detestaría ese trabajo, porque en primer lugar yo sería muy involucrado emocionalmente con todos los animales y luego, si uno de los animales muriera, lloraría y lloraría y, sí, odiaría tener que ver a gente triste porque su gato estuviera enfermo. La verdad..., lo veo como un trabajo realmente horrible, y tengo verdadero respeto por las personas que lo hacen.

Curso ingles online, escuchar conversaciones en inglés, nivel 4.

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