
Getting up and going to bed

Listening en inglés. Conversaciones: What time do you usually get up and what time do you usually go to bed?

Escucha la conversación en el podast.Level 4 Nivel 4

Marion, Ireland
Well, usually on a work day, I get up at half past six in the morning because I start work at eight o'clock. On the weekends I usually have a lie in so I wake up at about 9 or 10, sometimes 11, depending on how tired I am. Usually I go to bed quite late, which isn't very good but maybe about midnight, sometimes later. It depends. I find it difficult to go to sleep early.
Jeff, Canada
I go to bed late and I try to get up early. I like to get up early but getting up is a difficult thing to do, so I try to go the bed early. I try to go to bed early, 11 o'clock, 11:30, before midnight, and I try to get up early, 6:30, 7, before 7:30, but it doesn't always work.
Barbara, Australia
So, what time do I usually get up? Well, I usually wake up, maybe 5 or 6 in the morning, but I don't get up straight away. I stay in bed for awhile and get used to the idea that the day is starting, maybe read a book or something, check my phone messages, and I get up at maybe 7:30, 8. If it's a day off, I get up at nine or ten, and in the evening I usually go to bed around, oh, 10, 11, sometimes 12.
Akane, Canada
I usually get up in the morning about 6:30, but that's only because I have to go to work. If I had a choice I would sleep in because I really hate mornings. I try to go to bed at around 10pm so that I can get enough rest that I can get up in the morning for work, but I'd really rather stay up late, because I'm a night person.


well - pues on a work day - en un día laboral lie in = sleep in - dormir hasta tarde, levantarse tarde wake up - despertarse quite late - bastante tarde. I try to > (to try) - tratar de straight away - enseguida straight away = right away = immediately.  
  • I don't get up straight away / right away / immediately.
I stay in bed - Me quedo en la cama. to stay - quedarse awhile - un rato get used to - acostumbrarse day off - día libre sleep in = lie in - dormir hasta tarde, levantarse tarde I'd really rather... - Realmente preferiría... Parts of the day morning - mañana afternoon - tarde evening - tarde noche night - noche
                             Inglés                                         Español Una traducción
Marion, Ireland
Well, usually on a work day, I get up at half past six in the morning because I start work at eight o'clock. On the weekends I usually have a lie in so I wake up at about 9 or 10, sometimes 11, depending on how tired I am. Usually I go to bed quite late, which isn't very good but maybe about midnight, sometimes later. It depends. I find it difficult to go to sleep early.
Marion, Irlanda
Bueno, normalmente en un día de trabajo, me levanto a las seis y media por la mañana porque empiezo a trabajar a las ocho. Los fines de semana suelo dormir hasta tarde entonces me despierto a las 9 o 10 y a veces a las 11, dependiendo de lo cansado que estoy. En general, me voy a la cama muy tarde y no es muy bueno, tal vez me voy a la cama a la medianoche y incluso más tarde. Depende. Me resulta difícil acostarme temprano.
Jeff, Canada
I go to bed late and I try to get up early. I like to get up early but getting up is a difficult thing to do, so I try to go the bed early. I try to go to bed early, 11 o'clock, 11:30, before midnight, and I try to get up early, 6:30, 7, before 7:30, but it doesn't always work.
Jeff, Canadá
Me acuesto tarde y trato de levantarme temprano. Me gusta levantarme temprano, pero es difícil levantarme, entonces  trato de acostarme temprano, a las 11:00,  11:30, antes de medianoche. Incluso trato de levantarme temprano, a las 6:30, 7, antes de las 7:30, pero no siempre funciona.
Barbara, Australia
So, what time do I usually get up? Well, I usually wake up, maybe 5 or 6 in the morning, but I don't get up straight away. I stay in bed for awhile and get used to the idea that the day is starting, maybe read a book or something, check my phone messages, and I get up at maybe 7:30, 8. If it's a day off, I get up at nine or ten, and in the evening I usually go to bed around, oh, 10, 11, sometimes 12.
Barbara, Australia
A ver, ¿a qué hora suelo levantarme? Bueno, en  general me despierto, tal vez a las 5 o 6 por la mañana, pero no me levanto de inmediato. Me quedo en la cama por un tiempo para acostumbrarse a la idea de que el día está comenzando. Tal vez leo un libro o algo, compruebo mis mensajes telefónicos, y me levanto a las 7:30 o tal vez a las 8. Si es un día libre, me levanto a las nueve o diez, y por la noche me suelo acostarme a las 10, 11 o a veces medianoche.
Akane, Canada
I usually get up in the morning about 6:30, but that's only because I have to go to work. If I had a choice I would sleep in because I really hate mornings. I try to go to bed at around 10pm so that I can get enough rest that I can get up in the morning for work, but I'd really rather stay up late, because I'm a night person.
Akane, Canadá
Normalmente me levanto por la mañana alrededor de las 6:30, pero eso es sólo porque tengo que ir a trabajar. Si tuviera que elegir me gustaría dormir hasta tarde porque  realmente odio las mañanas. Trato de ir a la cama alrededor de las diez de la noche para que pueda descansar lo suficiente para que pueda levantarme por la mañana. Pero prefería quedarme en la cama hasta tarde, porque soy una persona de la noche.
Attribution: English Listening Lesson Library Online, (elllo). Source page: When do you get up and when do you go to bed?   Curso ingles online. Listening en ingles. Conversaciones.

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